This web site is the work of many hands! The Editorial Staff of DoctorFungus has received special help from the following individuals:

Centralbureau von Schimmelcultures
Utrech, The Netherlands
Dr. de Hoog has granted us permission to make the extraordinary images from the Atlas of Clinical Fungi (GS de Hoog, J Guarro, J. Gene, and MJ Figueras, 2nd edition) available in our image bank. If you like the pictures, you should buy the book!

Assistant Professor
University of Houston College of Pharmacy
Houston, TX
Dr. Lewis prepared and maintains our pages that discuss the primary and secondary costs of antifungal therapy.

Professor of Medicine
Departments of Bloodtransfusion and Hematology,
University Medical Center St Radboud Nijmegen,
The Netherlands
Dr. Ben de Pauw has contributed PowerPoint slide sets.
Early Pre-Emptive Therapy for Hematogenous Candidiasis
-from the lecture 11th Annual Focus on Fungal Infections 2001 in Washington, DC
Prophylaxis or Preemptive Antifungal Therapy for High-Risk Cancer Patients?
-from the lecture 13th Annual Focus on Fungal Infections 2003 in Maui, Hawaii
How does your contribution work?
We can take either images, individual PowerPoint slides, or entire slide sets/lectures and make them available for searching and downloading. You may retain the copyright or allow DoctorFungus to hold the copyright--either way is fine with us. However, we don't charge a fee to users so in either case there would be no royalties. We would watermark the slides or images with the appropriate copyright. We do have a policy of routinely granting permission for use of the images and slides for things such as books and symposia. The only restriction that we apply is that the image or its legend must state the copyright information.
contact us for your contribution!