The doctorfungus team of content directors, editors, designers and administrators work hard to win your respect and admiration.
While we are not the boasting type, we are proud of our accomplishments.
Here are a few "feathers in our cap" from those who took the time to write.
From: Louise
Sent: 24 May 2007
Subject: I LOVE the website!!!!
My Lab Director turned me on to your site. This is great. I am striving to learn as much as I can from all avenues available, as well as majoring in Environmental Science � minoring in Entomology (specializing in forensic entomology).
This is a real treasure trove of information! THANK YOU!!!!!
Reno, Nevada
From: Dani
Sent: 22 May 2007
Subject: wiki pages
Dear Dr. Fungus,
I added to the wiki page for T. rubrum which had nothing on it other than a title.
I created a Genus page for Trichophyton which did not exist at all.
I took much of the material from your fine website.
Please take this as an extreme form of flattery!
Dani, USA
From: MCS
Sent: 06 November 2006
Subject: COPMLIMENT . . .
From: Rick B
Sent: 11 October 2006
Subject: Feedback on your website
Dr. Fungus,
I find your web site very helpful and informative to my industrial hygiene practice.
Rick B
From: L Adamson
Sent: 03 October 2006
Subject: Kudos
What a totally cool website! It's interesting, well designed and user-friendly. Kudos to all who were involved in the site development, those who generously contributed their materials to this repository and to the sponsors.
L Adamson
From: DiaKndz
Sent: 21 September 2006
Subject: I Lilke Your Web Site
Dear Dr. F -
I appreciate all of the information on your web site -- some of it is a little too clinical and "Latin" for me -- but all that will hopefully help me expand my knowledge in more ways than one (it also takes my mind off of my health problems). In addition, you provide very beneficial advice and direction to other web sites of assistance.
Thanks to all of you who partake in producing such a worthwhile assist to us in the "outerworld."
Best Regards,
From: Jason A
Sent: 06 May 2006
Subject: Thank you!
I just want to comment on your website. What a wonderful resource for anyone
interested in or investigating an issue regarding mycology! Please pass along my
apprecitation and admiration for the people who have made this site possible.
From: Kris U
Sent: 19 Mar 2006
Excellent web site. Thanks. Kris
From: M K
Sent: 14 Mar 2006
Subject: Chaetomium
Just wanted to thank you and let you know that your website probably saved my Chow. A little over a month ago, I noticed discolored patches on her belly. I put some antibacterial cream on them, thinking that it was just irritation. Two weeks ago, I took her to the vet because the patches were now getting crusty and other spots were appearing on her ears and "elbows". The vet was unsure what was happening. Thinking that it could be a fungus or yeast, he took scrapings of the areas and sent them to a lab for cultures.
Now, two weeks later, he received a report that said Chaetomium - both a fungus and a yeast. He had not heard of this and it was nowhere to be found in his reference guides. He contacted a vet that specialized in dermatology at Gulf Coast Veterinarian (a very specialized practice of last resort here in Houston, Texas). They had never heard of it either.
But your website had all the background information and treatments listed. Because of this, my dog is now being treated and will hopefully pull through without any lasting side effects. And the website link to the American Society of Veterinarian Medicine is also useless. When I conducted a search, it came up blank. You were our only source. Both I and my dog's vet thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
And to answer everyone's question, "How did my Chow get this?" Well, in the backyard I had a compost pile. Because the compost was almost ready to use, I dumped it out of the bin and piled it in the corner of the yard. My Chow likes to sit/lay on top of this dirt pile. I am certain that the compost is the source and that the soil is contaminated. It is now covered with a tarp and I am making arrangements to get rid of it. I had no idea that anything like this could happen. I am closely monitoring my other two dogs (and me) for any signs of this infection.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
MK and C
From: H. K
Sent: 17 Feb 2006
Subject: thank you
I just want to say thank you for this website.
Best regards.
From: Briana W
Sent: 06 Jan 2006
Subject: Thank you for the information
I just want to thank you for providing trustworthy information
about chronic candidiasis. I have had several yeast problems
recently, and went to look for information about what may be the
cause. After finding so much information about candidiasis, I
was starting to wonder if I actually had it because the symptoms
listed are so broad and vague. I was overwhelmed by the
information on various diets, pretty much none of which provided
any historical studies to support their value. I just came
across your site and am so happy to find an objective site that
summarized what actual scientific information is out there (as
well as relieved that I don't need to go on a crazy diet!).
Thanks again for providing the service.
From: Eric N
Sent: 29 Dec 2005
Subject: Reference
Dear Dr. Fungus,
I am a chemist interested in natural products and stumbled across your website. It is an excellent site. Thank you for this resource.
Eric N
From: Peggy M
Sent: 21 Dec 2005
Subject: link
I have visited your site and have so enjoyed the information. I am an R.N. who has done extensive work on Balancing the body and thus combating such problems such as yeast, in specific Candida...
Best regards
Peggy M
From: Deborah H
Sent: 17 Dec 2005
Subject: informative site
From: Anonymous
Sent: 21 Nov 2005
Subject: Great site! Great help to me- Keep it up
From: Michael
Sent: 21 Nov 2005
Subject: Physician inquiry
I came upon your site and am most impressed. I would like to learn more of your organization...
From: Jan S
Sent: 14 Nov 2005
Subject: posaconazole update
researching for my lecture about antimycotics, I came across your excelent resource, which I am certain to recommend to my students as a great source of information...
With regards
From: Jim C
Sent: 09 Nov 2005
Subject: (Sorry, the lawyers made us do it).
Dear Dr. Fungus Org:
Yes, yes, always blame the lawyers. Poor us.
Most law schools now have a course in remediation - that is, remediating the effects of always feeling like the late, great Rodney Dangerfield - we "get no respect".
I just found your site and find it quite informative. In fact, I intend to direct my clients to it. Yes, I will recommend that they read and consent to the "Legal Stuff".
From: Caroline B
Sent: 08 Nov 2005
Subject: Love your site, One comment about ringworm
Hello everyone at Dr. Fungus!
I just found your website today. I had a recent outbreak of Phialophora sp in my own pets and was looking for some more information. Overall your site is really well researched and easy to use. All of your information is correct and accurate, ...
Keep up the good work
From: Yenny W
Sent: 06 Nov 2005
Subject: About dermatophytes
Hello everyone at Dr. Fungus!
First, there's the obvious congratulations on your wonderfull, easy-going, very complete website. ...
Thank you for your time, love the site :D
From: Rich S
Sent: 26 Oct 2005
Subject: Antifungal information
Dear Dr. Fungus,
I appreciate your site much. ...
From: Dianna S
Sent: 25 Oct 2005
Subject: Aspergillus ID
Thank you so much for this very useful Web site.
From: Sallie R
Sent: 17 Oct 2005
Subject: Mocassin Athletes Foot
Dear Dr. Fungus,
I'm glad I found your website. It's been most helpful!
From: Mark B
Sent: 16 Oct 2005
Subject: non-sporulating fungi
Thank you for you response and for your extremely valuable and well organized website.
From: Ritu B
Sent: 29 Sept 2005
Subject: translation
I found a very interesting Power point presentation on your website in the lecture bank about asperillosis "Invaziv aspergilloz"...
Thanks much
Ritu B
From: Earl S
Sent: 15 Aug 2005
Subject: parker's ink
You guys have a fabulous website...
Earl S
From: Julie B
Sent: 29 July 2005
Subject: thank you
Thanks a million for a site like this! I've been working in pharmaceutical microbiology labs for a long while, and just fell on your site on a Google search for a particular mould we've picked here at our factory. I don't usual give feedback to references but I was amazed by this site. Cheers for creating such an excellent research tool!
From: Rich S
Sent: 10 June 2005
Dear DF,
Interesting in 6/10/05 New York Times. I've studied mycology for several years and never heard of fungi being used to control insects (this article said known since 1835).
Also saw the one on your site about using fungi to protect crops - amazing what's always being learned.
From: Claudia H
Sent: 8 June 2005
Subject: Crytococcus serotypification
Dear Editors,
Definitely I must say, this is the best mycology site on the international web. I work at Medical Mycology Section Instituto de Medicina Tropical as medical mycologist. As other places on the world we are currently facing an increased incidence of fungal infections, like cryptococosis, histoplasmosis and paracoccidioidomycosis, due to debilitating diseases as well as undernourishment of our population...
Yours sincerely,
From: Maria E
Sent: 18 May 2005
Subject: Kudos
Thank you for this excellent "newsletter" and educational opportunities.
Keep them coming.
From: Mathieu G
Sent: 6 May 2005
Subject: Questions
To whom it may concern:
I love the format and the information included in your website. I use it almost daily as a resource. I work for the beverage industry and wanted to know how many of the molds could possibly be pathogenic upon consumption by a immunocompetant person?
From: Alma H
Sent: 5 May 2005
Subject: Need Info
Your Web site is great. The info is so useful! Your hard effort it's worhty, because I am sure that many people around the world is getting help for their diseases, thanks to your web site.
From: Daniela K
Sent: 31 March 2005
Subject: Kudos
Just wanted to commend you on an outstanding resource and truly well-developed web site. I really appreciate your providing this information in a public forum. I am a dermatology resident and find it to be a vital resource for my patients and my education.
Yours truly,
From: Bruce L
Sent: 30 January 2005
Subject: Fungal expert doctors near me?
I love your web site, thank you!
It would be very nice if you could list doctors who are "expert" in treating fungal infections across the country.
From: Chris J
Sent: 25 January 2005
Subject: excellent website
Dear Mycological Merry Men and Women -
I am a refugee from general practice (family practice) in Australia now retraining in anaesthetics.
I think your well referenced section on chronic candidiasis is outstanding and I wish I had had it when I was a GP - it would have been helpful at times.
I shared your scepticism but sans lit review, so it's nice to see the literature supports my stance; and I think your sympathetic wording was well balanced.
Now, if we can only tackle 'allergy' we'll be laughing
Well done
From: Stephen B
Sent: 18 January 2005
Subject: your website
I work as a lab technician at a university in Darwin, Australia, and also have 10 years experience working as a medical lab scientist in micro. I am just writing to say that this is an amazing site with very useful information and amazing images. I am so impressed I just felt I had to write to congratulate you all on such a wonderful site.
Thank you,
From: Kenneth P
Sent: 12 January 2005
Subject: thanks for information on histoplasmosis
A quick word of thanks to you and your sponsors for having the useful (and in my case re-assuring ) information available on histoplasmosis. I appreciate that iot is for discussion with my physician and insurer, but it is informative.
From: Constance R
Sent: 17 November 2004
Subject: Feedback
Love your website! Fun & Informative.
From: Peggy S
Sent: 12 November 2004
Subject: "oops" on page heading
Hi, I noticed today that the page on dermatophytosis in cats has the heading "Cryptococcosis" in cats. I am the volunteer ringworm and fecal expert at our local cat shelter, and I was looking for information to give our other volunteers and our vet. I just had my first case of M. gypseum in one of our cats. I had one T. mentag last year. Of course, all the other cases have been M. canis.
I absolutely love this website. It just gets better and better all the time. I often use it as a quick reference, and I show it to students/residents/fellows that rotate through our lab. Sometimes I send the link to physicians who call us and want to know more about a certain fungus infecting one of their patients. Last spring there was a patient from out-of-state who came to Mayo after sudden loss of vision in his right eye. He was an undiagnosed diabetic and ended up losing his eye and a large part of his face to Apophysomyces. The ophthamologist was very grateful for our help, and he appreciated all the information on your website.
Keep up the good work, and know that mycology bench techs appreciate it.
Peggy S
From: Carol E
Sent: 27 October 2004
Subject: Image bank problems
Works perfectly. Thanks. Just wasn't accustomed to the change, I guess. I especially appreciate your quick response. You and your team are terrific.
From: Laura L
Sent: 16 October 2004
First, I want to say thank you for the excellent website information on mycosesstudygroup.org. It's easy to understand and navigate through.
Thank you,
From: Anita G
Sent: 05 September 2004
This is a wonderful web site--I will use it regularly for teaching and send our residents to it also.
From: Laws S
Sent: 01 July 2004
Very impressed by the website. Nice layout, easy to navigate and well written.
From: Larry C
Sent: 01 July 2004
Subject: Access for my students
First of all, I'd like to say how much I enjoy your Doctor Fungus web site. It's good to know there is some place one can turn for current information about these grossly overlooked members of the microbial universe.
From: Linda
Sent: 10 June 2004
Subject: Mold Info
Thanks for a fantastic website with tons of information about mold and remediation of mold. Your links to other resources are very helpful. We just learned that our home has a mold infestation and I've learned a great deal from the information contained on your web page.
From: Richard J
Sent: 20 May 2004
Subject: Dr Fungus
What an incredible site!
Richard J, DDS,PhD.
From: Paul T
Sent: 14 May 2004
Subject: Thanks for a great site
Great site for students
Big big thank you
From: Monica M
Sent: 08 April 2004
Subject: Nice Site!
I just wanted to let you know that we found your site to be quite helpful, especially the fungi descriptions and microscopic images. Keep up the good work.
From: Ken D
Sent: 24 March 2004
Subject: feedback
I have a company, California Mold Assessment, in Southern California and
often refer my clients to your web site as a reference for the various fungi
detected in my everyday investigations. Your site is easy to read and
understand for most people.
Ken D, C.I.E.
From: Charles A
Sent: 21 March 2004
Subject: Thank you
I just wanted to briefly write a note of thanks for maintaining such an incredible resource – I gain more from 10 minutes on the site than from 1 hour with a standard micro text.
Charles A, MD
From: John M
Sent: 25 November 2003
Subject: fungal research
First, thanks for the great fungus site. I am looking forward to learning a lot from it.
Second, I am interested getting some samples of fungi seen in clinical practice for research. I don't want to have to maintain a fungal culture, thus I would prefer dried, or fixed in ethanol samples of known fungi. Is this something your laboratory can do, or can you point me to someone who can?
John M Ph.D. M.D.
From: Anthony M
Sent: 18 March 2003
Subject: feedback
I just wanted to say thanks for all the information you have provided to the general public and to the mold industry. My company, Mold Free, has worked in the mold inspection and remediation industry for over 12 years and in that time we have found no better source of sound information. We have a staff of several microbiologists and hundreds of mold inspectors and remediators across the nation. We direct our students/trainees to your site at each of our national training seminars. In an industry full of misinformation and phony solutions Dr Fungus stands out as the best site of its type.
Thank you,
Dr Anthony M, PhD, CMI, CMR
From: Mickey
Sent: 11 October 2003
Subject: Thanks for this web site - and ????
Hey, this is a very good website.
From: Scott C
Sent: 12 August 2003
Subject: Phage infection of fungi
I love your site. I was wondering if you could answer this for me: are there any instances where phages can infect a fungus, much like they do to a bacterium? My guess is proably not, due to the complexity of the fungus, but just wanted to hear your thoughts. Keep up the good work!
Scott C
From: anonymous
Sent: Year 2002
Subject: feedback
Our Company has no former training for their CRAs in anti-infectives. We are usually given a stack of articles and asked to read. Many of the articles are way above a CRA's level. I have spent about three hours during the past three days on doctorfungus and have learned and absorbed more that any in-house training.
I wish I had used this when I first started. Its awesome!