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 Human Mycoses
Fungi cause a wide variety of diseases in humans, and the areas we discuss are listed below. You may also want to refer to the Infectious Disease Society of America-Mycoses Study Group (IDSA-MSG) Practice Guidelines for treating invasive mycoses. These cover aspergillosis, blastomycosis, candidiasis, coccidiodomycosis, cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis, and sporotrichosis and are available at the IDSA website. Finally, please be sure to refer to our legal disclaimer.
(Site development note: our discussions are currently relatively superficial for all the infections except candidiasis.)
Miscellanous Syndromes
These diseases are a little harder to classify as some of them are caused by one of several different fungi. Thus, even though they have a fungal-sounding name (e.g., Tinea barbae), you can't always expect to find a corresponding fungus named Tinea barbosa!
Eye Infections
Nail, Hair, and Skin disease

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