Good Books
A Colour Atlas and Textbook of the Histopathology of Mycotic
Ainsworth & Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi, 8th Edition
- By DL Hawksworth, PM Kirk, BC Sutton, and DN Pegler
ISBN: 0-85198-885-7
This densely packed book contains details that are valuable in understanding fungal nomeclature and descriptive terminology.
CAB International, New York, NY and Wallingford, UK, 1995.
To purchase, contact CAB in New York at cabi-nao@cabi.org or in the UK at cabi@cabi.org
Atlas of Clinical Fungi, 2nd Edition
- By G. S. de Hoog, J. Guarro, J. Gené, M. J. Figueras
This book is a marvelous compendium of data. Excellent photos and drawings. Highly recommended.
Centraal Bureau voor Schimmelcultures / Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2000.
- For information about publications and ordering : Library@cbs.knaw.nl
Atlas of Fungal Pathology
Human Infection with Fungi, Actinomycetes and Algae.
Identifying Filamentous Fungi: A Clinical Laboratory Handbook.
By Guy St-Germain and Richard Summerbell,
ISBN: 0-89863-177-7 Star Publishing Company / August†1995 (also available in FRENCH 0-89863-179-3)
To purchase this book at amazon.com
Illustrated Dictionary of Mycology
- By Miguel Ulloa and Richard T. Hanlin
ISBN: 0-89054-257-0
Exactly as the title says, and very helpful in understanding unfamiliar descriptive terminology.
American Phytopathological Society (APS) Press, 2000.
To purchase this book at amazon.com
Laboratory Handbook of Dermatophytes:
A Clinical Guide and Laboratory Manual of the Dermatophytes and Other Filamentous Fungi from Skin, Hair, and Nails.
- by Julius Kane, Richard Summerbell, Lynne Sigler, Sigmund Krajden, and Geoffrey Land.
ISBN: 0-89863-157-2
This book has an unusually good selection of color photos.
To purchase this book at amazon.com
Medical Mycology and Human Mycoses
Medically Important Fungi: A Guide to Identification, 3rd Ed.
Pathologic Diagnosis of Fungal Infections.
Pathology of Infectious Diseases.
Theory and Practice of Histotechnology, 2nd ed.
Worldwide Exposure Standards for Mold and Bacteria
A. Mould Identification (General)
von Arx, JA: The Genera of Fungi Sporulating in Pure Culture, 3rd Edition,
Vaduz, J. Cramer, 1981.
Barron, GL: The Genera of Hyphomycetes from Soil, Baltimore, Maryland,
Williams and Wilkins, 1968.
Carmichael, JW, Kendrick, WB, Conners, IL, Sigler, L: Genera of Hyphomycetes,
Edmonton, The University of Alberta Press, 1980.
Cole, G, Samson, RA: Patterns of Development and Conidial Fungi, London,
Pitman, 1979.
Domsch, KH, Gams, W, Anderson, T: Compendium of Soil Fungi, New York,
Academic Press, 1980.
Ellis, D, et. al.: Descriptions of Medical QAP Fungi, North Adelaide, Australia,
Mycology Unit, Adelaide Children's Hospital, 1992.
Gilman, J: A Manual of Soil Fungi, 2nd Edition, Iowa State Unvi. Press,
McGinnis, MR: Laboratory Handbook of Medical Mycology, New York,
Academic Press, 1980.
McGinnis, MR, Salkin, IF: Identification of molds commonly used in proficiency
tests. Lab. Med. 17:138-142, 1986.
Stevens, RB (ed.): Mycology Guidebook. Seattle, Univ. of Washington Press,
Wang, CJK, Zabel, RA: Identification Manual for Fungi from Utility Poles
in the Eastern United States. Rockville, MD, American Type Culture Collection,
Mould Identification (Supplemental):
Ajello, L, Georg, LK: In vitro hair cultures for differentiating
between atypical isolates of
Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Trichophyton
rubrum. Mycopathol.Mycol. Appl. 8:3-17, 1957.
Philpot, C: The differentiation of Trichophyton mentagrophytes from
T. rubrum by a simple urease test. Sabouraudia 5:189-193,
Philpot, CM: The use of nutritional tests for the differentiation of dermatophytes.
Sabouraudia 15:141-150, 1977.
Kane, J., R. Summerbell, L. Sigler, S. Krajden and G. Land. Oaboratory
Handbook of Dermatolphytes. Star Publishing Co., Belmont, CA., 1997.
Kaufman, L, Standard, P: Immuno-identification of cultures of fungi pathogenic
to man. Curr. Microbiol. 1:135-140, 1978.
Raper, KB Fennell, D: The Genus Aspergillus. Kreiger, 1973.
Rebell, G, Taplin, D: Dermatophytes: Their Recognition and Identification,
University of Miami Press, 1964.
C. Ascomycetes
RT: Illustrated General of Ascomycetes. St. Paul, APS Press, 1989.
Imperfect Fungi - Dematiaceous
Ellis, MB: Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes, Kew, Commonwealth Mycological Institute,
Ellis, MB: More Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes, Kew, Commonwealth Mycological
Institute, 1976.
Espinel-Ingroff, A, Goldson, PR, McGinnis, MR, Kerkering, TM: Evaluation
of proteolytic activity to differentiate some dematiaceous fungi. J. Clin.
Microbiol. 26:301-307, 1988.
Espinel-Ingroff, A, McGinnis, MR, Pincus, DH, Goldson, PR, Kerkering, TM:
Evaluation of the API 20C yeast identification system for the differentiation
of some dematiaceous fungi. J. Clin. Microbiol. 27:2565-2569, 1989.
McGinnis, MR, Rinaldi, MG, Winn, R, Emerging agents of phaeohyphomycosis:
pathogenic species of Bipolaris and Exserohilum. J. Clin.
Microbiol. 24:250-259, 1986.
Sivanesan, A: Graminicolous Species of Bipolaris, Curvularia, Drechslera,
Exserohilum and Their Teleomorphs. Mycol. Paper 158, Kew, Commonwealth
Mycological Institute, 1987.
Imperfecti Fungi - Non-dematiaceous
Ajello, L, Georg, LK: In vitro hair cultures for differentiating
between atypical isolates of Trichophyton mentagrophytes and
Trichophyton rubrum. Mycopathol. Mycol. Appl. 8:3-17, 1957.
Kaufman, L, Standard, P: Immuno-identification of cultures of fungi pathogenic
to man. Curr. Microbiol. 1:135-140, 1978.
Nelson, PE, Toussoun, TA, Marasas, WFO: Fusarium species: An Illustrated
Manual for Identification. Pennsylvania State University Press, University
Park, 1983.
Philpot, C: The differentiation of Trichophyton mentagrophytes from
T. rubrum by a simple urease test. Sabouraudia 5:189-193,
Philpot, CM: The use of nutritional tests for the differentiation of dermatophytes.
Sabouraudia 15:141-150, 1977.
Ramirez, C: Manual and Atlas of the Penicillia. Amersterdam, Elsevier,
Raper, KB, Fennell, D: The Genus Aspergillus. Kreiger, 1973.8.
Sutton, BC: The Coelomycetes. Kew, Commonwealth Mycological Institute,
F. Zygomycetes
Fuller, MS (ed.). Lower Fungi in the Laboratory, Athens, Department
of Botany, University of Georgia, 1978
O'Donnell, KL: Zygomycetes in Culture. Athens, Department of Botany,
University of Georgia, 1979.
Padhye, AA, Ajello, L: Simple method of inducing sporulation by Apophysomyces
elegans and Saksenaea vasiformis. J. Clin. Microbiol. 26:1861-1863,
G. Black Yeast Identification
deHoog, G.S. et.al. The black yeasts and allied hyphomycetes. Stud.
Mycol. 15:1-223, 1977.2. McGinnis, MR, Schell, WA, Carson,
J: Phaeoannellomyces and the Phaeococcomycetaceae, new dematiaceous
blastomycete taxa. Sabouraudia 23:179-188, 1985.
H. Yeast Indentification
Barnett, J. A. , Payne, R. W. and D. Yarrow: Yeast: Characteristics and
Identification, Cambridge University Press, New York , 1983.
Kurtzman, C.P. and J.W. Fell (eds.). The Yeasts a Taxonomic Study.
4th ed., Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1998.