American Society for Microbiology
This prestigious society is the oldest and largest single life science membership organization in the world.
This site provides the latest on public policy, meetings, educational conferences, grants and fellowships,
offers subscriptions to its 10 journals and a searchable instructional library - covering the spectrum of
microbiology. Membership benefits are extensive. Student membership is available.
American Society of Clinical Pathologists (ASCP)
1999 World Wide Web Health Award winner, the mission of the society is to promote public health and safety.
Check out ASCP's periodicals, self-assessment programs and numerous education opportunities.
Start by reviewing current programs, requesting education materials or exploring medical lab careers.
Search through the many types of memberships and benefits thereof. Student membership available.
American Veterinary Medical Association (JAVMA)
Find daily highlights, get information on membership and the benefits thereof or link to other veterinary medicine organizations. Access the association's journal, JAVMA News, and read full-text articles in the most widely distributed veterinary medical journal.
Arizona Mushroom Club
Boasting 300 members, this club is for those who enjoy collecting wild mushrooms
for food and for those wanting to learn to distinguish between edible mushrooms and poisonous ones.
Visit the photo gallery or learn about a host of mushrooms from Arizona, or those discovered on one
of the member's recent trips to Nicaragua. Find upcoming events or the local weather.
Asheville Mushroom Club
The site contains listings of local mushroom events and information about the Asheville Mushroom Club meetings and forays.
ASM Division F (Mycology) Home Page
Division F of the American Society for Microbiologists encompasses all work with fungi.
Access the division's newsletter and find professional meetings.
Follow the link to the ASM Hope Page for access to the society's full web site.
Asociación Venezolana de Micología: Venezuelan Mycology Association
The Venezuelan Mycological Asociation called Asociacion Venezolana de Micologia (AVM) was created on October 7, 1993 in a meeting at Cachicamo Biological Station that belongs to Los Andes University, located inside the Caparo Forest Reserve, at Barinas State, Venezuela. Decition to found a mycological association was made by attendeed to that meeting, all related to mycological fields.
Boston Mycological Club
The Boston Mycological Club is the oldest amateur mycological club in North America.
This site is dedicated to announcing and reporting on the activities of the club, such as walks,
meetings and it's biannual social events. Membership is open to anyone interested in fungus
and an application is available online.
The British Lichen Society
This society was formed in 1958 to stimulate and advance interest in all branches of lichenology. Find a meeting schedule, list of publications, information on churchyard lichens and an extensive list of lichens in the British Isles. Or access the BioBase for distribution recording of lichens in the British Isles.
Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Home Page
The goal of the Northeastern Association for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious
Disease is to provide low-cost continuing education for clinical microbiologists and
infectious disease specialists. CEUs can be obtained with the online seminars.
Join in newsgroups. Membership in the association is open to anyone interested.
College of American Pathologists (CAP)
CAP is the world's largest association of exclusively pathologists.
Within this site, access CAP's newsletter and publications or find out about national conferences,
meetings, seminars or online education related to pathology.
Stay abreast of pathology interests in legislative and regulatory arenas in
the Advocacy section, review laboratory improvement programs, order educational
brochures/videos and much, much more.
East Penn Mushroomers
This simple single page provides contact information for the group and foray leader, information on membership and dues and instructions on how to receive free email copy of the quarterly Activity Sheet.
The Fungus Federation of Santa Cruz
This informal affiliation is made up of people with a passion for fungi.
Find out about the annual fungus fair, forays and monthly meetings Mushroom Identification and Taxonomy Classes are offered. Membership information within.
The Fungal Research Trust
The Fungal Research Trust is a not-for-profit charity based in the UK which was formed in 1991. The Trust's objectives are to advance education and to promote and publish research into fungi and fungal disease.
The Gulf States Mycological Society
This non-profit educational organization promotes the appreciation and scientific study
of the diversified fungal flora of the Gulf Coast region. Get information on their annual foray,
read about the previous one with lots of accompanying pictures, or learn about the featured mushroom.
Membership information is available.
The International Society for Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM)
ISHAM is a world wide organisation that represents all scientists and doctors with a special interest in fungal diseases. ISHAM is an independant society that is non-political and non-discriminatory. It exists solely to encourage and facilitate the study and practice of all aspects of medical and veterinary mycology.
Kaw Valley Mycological Association
Members of this Kansas-based association include professionals and amateurs.
Find a calendar of events, foray and meeting information, officer
names and email addresses, resources on, and 20 photos of Kansas mushrooms.
A link list of mushroom-related web sites helps you find other sites of interest.
Kitsap Penninsula Mycological Society
This single page provides the society's address and invites you to attend the society's meetings in Washington to learn about wild mushrooms. They also offer classes for beginners and experienced mushroom hunters, field guides, and the opportunity to learn from members who have hunted the local edible mushrooms for years.
Latin American Association for Mycology (ALM)
The association is a scientific organization of scientists in the different aspects
of the mycological sciences. Within, find a directory of Latin American mycologists
and the ALM bylaws. Offered in both English and Spanish. (Last update 8/97)
Massachusetts Chapter of the Society for Conservation Biology
The MassSCB is dedicated to environmental planning and conservation.
Find event listings, field experts, relevant e-publications and a good list of related links.
Each of the seven committees (including audit and legal counsel, career development and more)
have their own page within. Or submit a form for free membership.
Michigan Mushroom Hunters Club
Search the calendar for many activities scheduled for 2000. Check out the 10 commandments of eating wild mushrooms, a seasonal accounting of wild edible mushrooms in Michigan and lots of photos. Locate officers, members and links to mushroom-related sites.
Mushroom Society of Utah
Edible mushrooms in Utah? Absolutely. Find out how to identify them with the assistance of one of the recommended books or through field activity with the group (schedule included). One recipe provides an example of how to cook them once you have identified that they are edible. A phone number for contacting the group is provided as well.
Mycologic Naturalistic Group (Gruppo Micologico-Naturalistico ) - Ancona (Italy)
This group is interested in making new contacts with groups similar to
this group or anyone who has a passion for mycology. Obtain information on all
of the activities of the group by requesting it. Available in English and Italian.
The Mycological Society of America
This scientific society is dedicated to advancing the science of mycology.
Its 1300 members include both professionals and amateurs.
Access the society's professional journal, Mycologia, or the society newsletter,
Inoculum. Find or post job openings as well.
Mycological Society of San Francisco
This non-profit corporation promotes the study and exchange of information about mushrooms.
Find a current calendar of events, information on monthly meetings, "fungus fairs,"
and various groups within the society, such as the culinary or study groups or cultivations classes.
Access an email roster of over 100 members. Members receive the monthly Mycena News.
The National Onychomycosis Society (NOS)
This web site, an online resource center for individuals suffering from nail fungus. The NOS is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing the most current information and treatment options to those living with the condition.
This non-profit organization provides a forum for the development, promotion, and use of standards for the world's medical science community. Educational products and services offered provide practical guidance and are an educational resource for you and your organization. Documents can be ordered for online delivery. Explore global initiatives and membership as well.
North American Mycological Association
Dedicated to promoting, pursuing and advancing the science of mycology,
this site offers information on a variety of their programs, including education,
cultivation, photography and cooking mushrooms.
Most states have at least one local affiliate, which can be found within.
North Idaho Mycological Association
Where exactly do you find mushrooms? What do you pack for a foray? Find answers to these and other questions in this association's site. Find several recipes as well as Spores & Stipes, the associations newsletter. There is a Genus species list for mushrooms found in North Idaho and a photo archive. Get the details on a river foray scheduled for October 2000.
Ohio Mushroom Society
This one page provides an overview of the group, its goals and members, description of member benefits and a contact name and email address for more information.
Palouse Mycological Association
This Washington-based society is the amateur mushroom club of Washington State University, the University of Idaho and the surrounding area. This site offers news and information on forays and meetings. The photo gallery has a variety of mushroom pictures. The search function makes it easy to find what you seek. Some recipes included as well.
The Puget Sound Mycological Society
Located in Washington state, this is the largest mushroom group in the Pacific Northwest, boasting more than 500 members. Review the calendar of events. Find out about mushroom identification classes, the society's research involvement or the annual wild mushroom exhibit. A seemingly very active group for those in the area who would like to be involved.
The Snohomish County Mycological Society
Established in 1971, this organization is dedicated to people with an interest in mushrooms. The introduction to mycology may be helpful for beginners, but you can also find newsletters that date back to July 1995, how to make spore prints, a link to a local mushroom farm, lots of pictures of the group in action or links to other mushroom-related sites. Several names and phone numbers provided for those who want more information.
Société Mycologique de France
Translate this site to find out about The Mycology Society of France. Member companies are listed.
Locate demonstrations and seminars and access the society's weekly and monthly reports.
Find out about mycologic excursions and other activities of the society.
The weather report and forecast for France as available as well.
Sonoma County Mycological Association
Based in Santa Rosa, California, this association's site has extensive
info on mushroom toxins as well as upcoming events and forays and a somewhat
unique section called "mushrooms and medicine." Read stories of ventures into the fungi
world in the Mycofile newsletter. Membership info and related links available.
West Michigan Mycological Society
The foray schedule may not be up-to-date, but discussion on the member bulletin board is current and you can find plenty of member names and phone numbers. Find recipes and some thoughts on edibility of mushrooms as well. A small photo gallery and a couple archived newsletters complete the site.
Wisconsin Mycological Society
Send in the membership application to join this amateur group or use the pictorial key to common Genera arranged by gill type, stem type and color to aid you in identifying various mushrooms. Peruse newsletters that date back to December 1992 or have yourself added to the mailing list.