Alien Earth - Lichen
This single page describes what lichens are and a little about the three types. A good resource if you want a simple explanation of what lichens are.
American Bryological and Lichenological Society
Find out about meetings, the specimen exchange or the society's two publications, The Bryologist and Evansia. Locate information on workshops, classes, seminars and the annual foray. Society officers' contact information available. Membership directory and application available as well. A fairly extensive link list can take you to other related sites.
Fun With Lichens
Oregon State University invites you to discover the world of lichens. A brief description of lichen biology is easy to understand. In LichenLand, you can retrieve a lichen based on its characteristics. A Synoptic Key is available for more in-depth searching. LichenLand Lite is a walk-through guide version for first-time users.
Global Lab Lichens as Bioindicators
http://globallab.terc.edu/workspace/resources/ archive/lichens/lichens.html
Find out about lichens and their use as indicators of air and sulfur dioxide pollution, as well as how they can be used to measure toxic elemental pollutants and radioactive metals. Classroom activities and tools are offered as well.
International Association of Lichenologists (IAL)
Search the directory to find a lichenologist, find a listing of endangered lichens in the UK and North America, access the constitution of the IAL or find a list of other lichen-related societies around the world. You can also read about 16 recipients of the Archarius Medal.
Lichen Herbarium at the Swedish Museum of Natural History
If you are looking for a particular lichen, there's a good chance you'll find it here. Find a list of all lichen species present in the Swedish Museum of Natural History lichen herbarium. The cryptogamic collections of the museum consist of 295,000 lichen specimens. Explore the collections, the databases and the virtual exhibitions.
The Lichen Herbarium Botanical Museum, University of Oslo
Looking for information on lichens? Search for a lichen by type, or for recent literature. Use the Norwegian Lichen database, a compilation of seven independent databases, for datasets of nearly all computerized Norwegian specimens identified to species level in these herbaria. The Norwegian Red List 1998 can be downloaded in PDF format (in Norwegian, English summary).
Lichen Herbarium Database Search
From the Department of Biology at the University of Trieste, Italy, this searchable database allows you to find lichens by Genus and species.
Lichen determination keys available on INTERNET
This is a gateway to traditional, articulated keys as well as several interactive keys for lichen determination. Traditional keys can be downloaded and used with an internet browser to keep the link functions, or printed and used like a traditional, printed key. The interactive keys are based on a character set in a database and can be used only with a computer.
Lichens of the Miller Springs Nature Cente
Very basic information with helpful diagrams are provided to introduce the beginner to lichens. Find tools needed for collecting lichens and an idea for how to store samples permanently. The different groups and structures are described and a classroom activity is available. Lots of images illustrate different types and Genus species.
North American Lichen Project
Wonder what lichens look like? This site has an excellent Portrait Gallery with over 85 images. Read about the special biology of these composite, symbiotic organisms, or see how they interact with the environment, with animals, and with people. Find links to three lichen-related projects or several lichen-related Internet site links.
University of Minnesota Herbarium: Vascular Plant Collection
As of May 1999, the herbarium's holdings consisted of 817,999 dried collections of plants, fungi, lichens, and other plant-like organisms. This site maintains an extensive list of Minnesota flora. The specimen catalogue has over 2400 types and possible type specimens. All types are available for institutional loans to taxon experts. Other vascular plant catalogues are available as well.