FusKey - Fusarium Interactive Key
Designed to facilitate the identification of Fusarium, this site includes the 30 common species in Nelson et al. (1983) as well as other less common species. Enter the characteristics of the Fusarium to be identified and the key provides possible Genus species, ranked by percentage of characteristics matched. A very useful identification tool.
Moulds - Isolation, Cultivation and Identification
http://www.botany.utoronto.ca/ResearchLabs/ MallochLab/Malloch/Moulds/Moulds.phpl
This is an introductory guide to the study of moulds (fungi) and includes discussions of mould classification, methods of study, importance to humans, and identification. Picture and text keys are provided for many of the most common fungi found in soil, indoor environments, outdoor air, food, etc. Individual genera of moulds are described and illustrated.