Infectious Diseases News
Featuring columns and editorials by recognized experts in the field of infectious disease, interviews, reports from conferences and the latest on government legislation, this monthly online newspaper offers practical advice for everyday use. Current and back issues through 1996 available.
Journal of Infectious Diseases
Founded in 1904, this is the premier publication for original research on the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of infectious diseases; on the microbes that cause them; and on disorders of host immune mechanisms. Find full text for major articles, concise communications and correspondence.
Journal of the American Medical Association
Founded in 1883, this international peer-reviewed general medical journal offers clinical and laboratory articles on a diverse range of medical topics. Access full text of everything. There are letters and editorials, Piece of Mind and Poetry in Medicine sections, the Resident Physician Forum and much more. Everything you have come to revere about this journal in print can be accessed here.
Journal Watch (JWatch.org)
Journal Watch Online, where physicians summarize articles from leading medical journals & comment on the latest clinical research.
The Lancet
This international journal delivers the latest in science and practice weekly. Find original research articles, editorials and reviews, correspondence, discussion groups, jobs and events, and more. Sign up to receive the table of contents weekly via email.
Medical Mycology
This bimonthly international journal publishes original work on all aspects of invasive fungal disease in humans and animals. The multinational editorial board aims to provide a comprehensive reference base for medical mycologists, clinicians, physicians and microbiologists. Abstracts are free; Full Text and PDF articles require subscription.
Medical Science Monitor
This is the official journal of the International Medical Association for Experimental and Clinical Research. Abstract and full text articles via Adobe Acrobat Reader for the current and back issues are available. Peruse articles on laboratory and clinical investigations, epidemiology and case reports, as well as diagnostic and medical technology. The calendar of events lists information and details for various international meetings and symposia.
Medical Student JAMA
In this journal, the American Medical Association supplies information medical students need everyday. Find news and announcements, education and career information and a product catalog. The Virtual Mentor is a section not to be missed.
Modern Medicine
Modern Medicine's Clinical News Reports is a monthly clinical news journal featuring medical meeting updates, news and brief items of interest. Become familiar with new drugs, indications and tests. Comments and response to editorials are encouraged.
Molecular Plant Pathology
Premiering in January 2000, this bi-monthly journal will contain the principal content of full length and short research papers, and will also include technical advances, along with major and micro reviews on areas of particular interest and importance. Paper and online subscriptions available.
Mycorrhiza Information Exchange
Go to Journals and check out links to relevant journals with on-line tables of contents and often abstracts and even full articles by issue. Of particular interest to those interested in fungi may be Fungal Genetics & Biology, Mycorrhiza and Mycologist.
Mycotaxon is a scientific, peer-reviewed journal devoted exclusively to the taxonomy and nomenclature of fungi (including lichens). It usually appears quarterly. Mycotaxon is aimed at the international community of scholars engaged in research on fungal taxonomy and all interested in the nomenclature of fungi and lichens as governed by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. Subscriptions are annual.
New England Journal of Medicine
This online version of one the country's most renowned medical journals
offers abstracts of original and special articles on a broad array of medically-related topics.
Subscribers can access full text. Find case studies and editorials as well.
Sign up to receive each week's table of contents via email.
Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal
This is the official publication of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society and the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases. This monthly journal features review articles and original studies on viral and bacterial illness in children. Find Table of Contents for current and archived issues.
The Physician and Sports Medicine
This peer-reviewed monthly journal serves the practicing physician's professional and personal interests in the medical aspects of exercise, sports, and fitness. As the name implies, find articles on various sports and medicine related topics. Rehab, exercise and nutrition issues often covered as well. Archived issues date back to January 1996.
Science Daily
ScienceDaily is a free, advertising-supported online magazine that brings you breaking news about the latest discoveries and hottest research projects in everything from astrophysics to zoology. Participate in more than 200 science newsgroups or subscribe to free weekly e-mail bulletins that summarize the top science news stories of the past week.
Science Magazine
You probably know Science Online as the Web-based home of Science, the Global Weekly of Research. It's that - but it's also a lot more.
Science News Update
The American Medical Association Science News Updates is a weekly online publication featuring updates from JAMA and the Archives journals. Check in after 3pm CST on the first four Tuesdays of each month for the latest news from these prestigious publications.
Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine
This international journal is aimed at the informed biomedical reader who wants up-to-date reviews, occasional specialized research papers, focused groups of papers from symposia, speculative hypotheses and challenging issues as well as critical book reviews. Find original articles, case reports, thesis abstracts and book reviews.